Friday 3 October 2014

Task 1 - Construction Glossary and Analysis

Media text
All media products such as television programs, films, CD's, books, newspapers, website pages , music, games and the internet.

semiotics this is the way that people react to what they see, and they would decode what they saw and try and make sense of it in which they decide weather or not they like what they has seen so for example the game just dace would be liked by some people and not by others because of the bright colors. and the last of use would not be like by others because of the violence and the horror.

The genre of the game is a style or category, it is the type of the game that you are playing.  For example is it a horror, thriller, action, adventure, etc. For example the game just dance would be a simulator game and the game last of us is a survival, horror and adventure and this is shown in the game play of the game because there is a lot of violence in the game.

Content is about the way the look and feels they would do this by the type of the media that is used for example the style, sounds and colours etc. for example the game just dance is colour full and cheerfuller and the audience would betray this as more laided back. Where as the game last of us would be more serious and dark in appearance.


The way in which the game is structured and how the interaction is constructed. it is how the game looks, feels, sounds for example the sound in just dance are all dependent on the song that you are playing but there are also sound that are triggered by how well that you do in the game and there are other sound that are trigger when you do bad. The sounds in the last of us are specifically designed to draw you in to the game.

Codes and Conventions
The codes and conventions are a list of things that are must-dos things that must be featured in a particular game genre for example in a horror game you would expect jump scares, i n the game last of us you would expect jump scares but in just dance you would expect other things that are not scary like a more comical style. There are also things called Technical codes and they include camera angles, sound, lighting, interface design and interaction. Symbolic codes include the language, dress, and actions of characters.

Modes of address
It is the way it speaks or shouts at the audience for example a game like just dance would be loud and it would shout at you because is a bright and colorful party game and they want you to have fun and get involved in the game, Compared to a game like the last of us which would be less in your face and more depressed and laided back due to the style of the game.

Target demographic
This is who the game is aimed at such as the last of us is aimed at the the more mature audience you get the idea of this from the content in side the game such as the language and the violence in the game. whereas the game just dance is more family based as you can see in the game because there is no violence and it is all fun and it is like a party.

Just dance                                                      last of us 

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