Tuesday 11 November 2014

HA10 – Analysis of a Game Genre

First person shooters (FPS)

Call of Duty

Halo 4

Battlefield 4


The structure of  these 3 games is very slimier even though they are very different games content wise but they all use the same structure, they all have a slimier objective to get in the game which is in the multiplier is win the game. In the campaign it is beat the enemy. Each one of these game has a very slimier games play style you look from the perspective of the person and all of these games have very slimier characteristics especially in the multiplier each one of these games has a mini map in on corned a kill feed which shows your kills and a ammo count which shows how much ammo you have.

codes and conventions

A convention that these 3 game have and most other FPS game is the rebounding health meter that has become a custom of the Call of Duty games. Implemented just right, by covering the screen in a bloody haze when the player is near death, it ratchets up the anxiety in moments where it is truly needed. A numerical or bar indicator of the player’s health value can’t come close to slow losing the ability to hear and see as the player’s avatar loses consciousness. Other Fps's have adopted it as a lazy way to not include game balance for poorly placed checkpoints. Die three seconds after a checkpoint? That’s fine, just wait for the reload, dive for cover, wait five seconds, and try again. this is also slowly be adopted by all Fps game franchises.  

Another quite common convention in FPS games is the kill cam and COD’s kill cam allows the player to instantly view a replay of how they were bested. Since Halo’s replay system is entirely optional this does provide  useful information that can help to root out the sniper that keeps killing you.

Having a match you just lost end with a rank up is one of the best ways to keep a player coming back for more. Unlock able and usable items were the true genius of Call of Duty′s leveling system, something even Halo didn't figure out. Most players don’t care about the shape of the rectangle on their character’s armor, but they do care about whether their gun is silenced or not. This another example of a common convention that nearly all of the modern day fps game have this also keeps the player playing the game.

Sticky Aiming is another common convention which all modern FPS game have adopted this allows you the ability of when you aim near an enemy to lock on to them and this helps with the ability to take out enemy's at a high rate this also allows the developers to make the maps smaller.   


These 3 games do stereotype men as strong, emotion less and expendable like if they die there is another to take there place, in the game halo there a unrealistic body image and the main character is very emotionless in most of the halo game. and until 2013 there was no women solders in Call of Duty but even though there is now they do have a very hard to mach body shape but it is no impossible.                                                                                 www.wattpad.com


Narrative structures

The narrative structure of these games is closed this is because the game tell you what do and you have no control over the game and what you do in the game. This the same not just with these three game but all first person shooters.


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