Tuesday 4 November 2014

HA9 Task 2 - Effects Debates


The recent release of Grand Theft Auto 5 and the discovery that the Washington Navy Yard gunman was "obsessed with violent video games" and just because that he was obsessed with this game it has led to yet another series of the media claiming that video games cause violence.

The media's main concern appears to be that enthusiastic gamer can't differentiate between games and the real world so violent games will result in violent behavior. But anyone who has the cognitive faculties to purchase, set up and operate modern games consoles won't have trouble differentiating between a cartoonist fantasy world and reality. There are two examples below of the media blaming violent video games for the murder of people and they also say that they were "obsessed with violent video games".

Explicit Sexual Content

Abusive/ Inappropriate


Video game addiction the video below show that video game addiction in some people can take over their life and in some cases people have try to help there family members that were addicted and the person that was addicted has ended up killing some of there family members to get back and play the video game. but that is in extreme cases for most addict they do end up at the point where the game is slowly taking over there life and they only seem to care about what they are playing.

people that get addicted to video games must have other reasons for playing it non stop like the seance of achievement that they are getting in the game or they might not have self control and don't know when to stop.

What makes the game addictive 

This video below shows what make a game addictive for some people and why they like to keep playing the game. For example the fact that some game need you to think of your own creations and ways to survive in the game and find thing to help you survive in the game etc.

Stereotyping and representation

Media has a subtle but profound impact in our tastes and body image. A lot of women in video games are betrayed stick thin with metric tons of cover up on to hide even the tiniest blemish and this is concerning a lot of people it give them the image that all women should look like that and it is an impossible look, and all the men are on steroid and are ridiculously built up with large mussels and minimal emotions.


Many video games have certain elements removed or have been edited due to regional rating standards. While, in the past, games were often toned down when translated overseas, in terms of violence, religious references, profanity, drug use, etc., when compared to their Japanese counterparts, in recent years Computer Entertainment Rating Organization, among other ratings organizations, have imposed harsher restrictions on violent games.

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